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Sunday, October 3, 2010

How to Take Great Portrait Photos - Photography Tips For Beginners

Photography Tip #1 Get Close

The best portraits are close-up shots. When you take a picture of someone from close range you capture their facial expressions which showcase their personality. Close-up photography also features things like texture, lighting patterns, and other rich details. The best photographs have emotional impact, and you just can't get that kind of impact if you shoot from far away.

Photography Tip #2 Check the Background

Always check the background behind your subject before you begin taking pictures. Look for clutter and undesirable background items like utility poles, other people, and vehicles. If the background is too busy, try a different angle: get down low and shoot your subject while pointing the camera up so that the sky is the background, or get above the subject and have the ground become the backdrop.

Photography Tip #3 Frame the Subject

For a quick and easy frame, place the subject in a doorway, window or in between straight edges (such as two trees). Don't center the subject in the middle, however, it's more visually interesting if they are a little off-center within the frame. Sometimes capturing a little background and frame makes the portrait of the subject more interesting.

Photography Tip #4 Watch the Head

Beginning photographers tend to either cut off their subject's head, o leave too much space above the head instead. Pros know that it's better to leave as little space as possible above the subject's head. They accomplish this by tilting the camera a little to capture more of the subject and less of the air above the subject's head.

Photography Tip #5 Check the Lighting

Creating different effects with lighting is a great way to create interesting photos. Some things to remember:

Strong lighting should come from behind the photographer, not from behind the subject. If the subject is back-lit the picture will come out dark and indiscernible.

The best outdoor lighting is diffused light, not direct light. Opt for shaded areas, overcast days, or places where direct light is blocked. Direct light casts harsh shadows and causes the subject to squint, distorting their natural facial expressions.

Portrait Photography Tip #6 Always Be Ready

Catching the right moment is what photography is all about. Good photographers know that they should always have their cameras ready to capture amazing moments as they happen. Good photography is all about catching on file that special look, laugh, or smile as it happens. Those moments are fleeting, so always have your camera ready. Preparedness, awareness, and quick reflexes are key.

Sarah V. Morris enjoys writing about family finances, especially articles about saving money. Her latest interest is saving money on dance recital costumes. Please check out her latest website to find out how to save big and where to buy cheap dance recital costumes.

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